Monday, April 11, 2011

The Event

On Friday March 11th I was having a bad day. My husband was leaving again. I was swamped at work and grumpy. After the kids left for the day I decided to stay at work and knock out as many reports as I could. While working I kept hearing sirens going off. They reminded me of the tidal wave alarms that I used to hear as a little girl living in Hawaii. I had told Izac I would call him before 3:00 and had no luck getting through. I chalked it up to Softbank (our lousy cell phone company) and kept working. Finally at 5:00 I decide to leave. The sirens were still going off but since I had not heard anything I decided it must be a drill (we had just finished basewide exercises including full evacuations). As I was walking into my building a friend of ours asked how Izac was. I answered that as far as I knew he was on his plane and headed to the states. She answered "Are you sure they let him go with the earthquake?"....Earthquake!?!? Then began a tortuous few hours until I got a Facebook Message from my sweetie letting me know that he was O.K. I learned very quickly not to watch the American news because they were scaring me. Down in Iwakuni we were ok. There was no damage or after shocks that we could feel. We had a Tsunami warning (hence the annoying alarms) but otherwise we were ok. I have twice in my life been touched by horrific events first 9/11/2001 and now 3/1/2011. I have been so fortunate both times and am so thankful.

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