Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sometimes its good to Complain...

So the old me would never complain. I would accept the cold food, the broken stove, the bad living conditions and just let it go. Now I have learned that sometimes you need to speak up. I'm not saying complain all the time about everything (that is VERY annoying) but when you want to cook and the large front burner of the stove doesn't work and the the oven alternates between burning your food to a crisp and not cooking it at all then there is something wrong. The same thing applies to food. We purchased a 12 pack of soda made by a certain company and the first soda I opened tasted funny. I thought well that was a bad one. I later opened another can and tried it. It too tasted funny. When Izac came home I had him try a third one. When he said it tasted funny (with no prompting from me) I knew something was wrong. So in both cases I contacted the people who deal with difficulties. In the case of the soda I contacted the company and had a favorable response. In the case of the stove I contacted housing. The end results of these encounters was a coupon for a 12 pack of soda and a new (new to me) oven/stove from housing. Im REALLY glad I can now cook without risking food poisoning. SO sometimes its good to complain, just don't take it overboard.

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